電影: Roscoe Karns
- 1940
They Drive by Night (1940)
They Drive by Night6.91940HD
- 1940
His Girl Friday (1940)
His Girl Friday7.31940HD
- 1964
Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
Man's Favorite Sport?71964HD
- 1934
Twentieth Century (1934)
Twentieth Century6.81934HD
- 1927
鐵翼雄風 (1927)
本片可是奧斯卡第一屆最佳影片得主,算得上名垂青史,由派拉蒙(Paramount)公司一九二七年出品。查爾斯羅傑斯、理查德、古維娜拉爾斯頓等主演,敘述戰爭裡一段脆弱不堪的友誼…. 戰爭的陰影正籠罩著歐陸上空,青年傑克參加空軍,在那裡他結識了飛行員戴維,並成為好朋友。兩人同時暗戀上少女西爾維亞。戰場上,敵人常放出高空氣球偵察盟軍防禦的情形。有一次,傑克和戴維接到命令立即起飛,去毀掉敵人的偵察氣球。激戰中,戴維的飛機不幸被敵機降落。傑克以為同伴陣亡了,氣憤填膺,要為戴維報仇,冒險與敵機展開生死搏鬥,...
- 1942
Woman of the Year (1942)
Woman of the Year6.91942HD
- 1934
一夜風流 (1934)
克拉克蓋博、克勞黛考爾白分獲奧斯卡金像獎最佳男主角、女主角,在奧斯卡一舉拿下五項大獎。 美國邁阿密一位億萬富翁安德魯斯獨生女兒埃莉﹐集美麗、嬌生慣養、任性於一身。她背著父親跟飛行員訂婚﹐被父親軟禁,她機智地逃走,後來一路上狼狽,碰到記者彼得,彼得想要利用她寫出一條轟動的獨家新聞。 他們兩人剛開始互藏心事,卻因為一連串的挫折和意外,彼此互生好感,後來埃莉回到家中豪宅,向父親全盤托出與彼得的戀愛經過﹐安德魯斯這時才想起有個記者要求見他﹐原來是彼得,一個正直、誠實的青年。而那個飛行員不過是看中他的...
- 1927
The Jazz Singer (1927)
The Jazz Singer6.11927HD
- 1923
The Ten Commandments (1923)
The Ten Commandments6.61923HD
- 1933
Alice in Wonderland (1933)
Alice in Wonderland6.11933HD
- 1932
One Way Passage (1932)
One Way Passage7.21932HD
- 1928
Beggars of Life (1928)
Beggars of Life7.11928HD
- 1932
If I Had a Million (1932)
If I Had a Million6.51932HD
- 1938
You and Me (1938)
You and Me6.71938HD
- 1943
Old Acquaintance (1943)
Old Acquaintance6.91943HD
- 1932
Night After Night (1932)
Night After Night6.11932HD
- 1933
Today We Live (1933)
Today We Live6.21933HD
- 1935
Front Page Woman (1935)
Front Page Woman5.81935HD
- 1935
The Woman in Red (1935)
The Woman in Red6.11935HD
- 1943
Stage Door Canteen (1943)
Stage Door Canteen6.11943HD